7 Tips For Achieving Healthy Weight Loss

By Deb Winward

Certified Weight Loss and Life Coach

Are you tired of thinking weight loss is impossible? My goal is to help more women ditch the diet, and I'm so excited for you to start this journey! These tips, although simple, are extremely effective and will save you so much time and energy, (You'll almost be mad that you didn't know about them earlier)!

Because these tips are simple, my only concern is that you'll immediately disregard them. Please don't do this! These are the exact tools I use with my most successful clients. It's all about taking yourself off autopilot and making intentional decisions. When we can pause and question why we do what we do, we can decide to do it differently.

Let's jump right in, because you have more important things to focus on than a lifetime of dieting. Here are 7 tips to help you achieve losing those pesky pounds for good:

  1. Eat Foods That Satisfy You

    We often think that we are helping ourselves by cutting as many calories as possible. Unfortunately, this can create unhealthy eating habits that can lead to more serious issues. Instead, consume well balanced, nutrient-dense foods you enjoy and be mindful of your portions. This will leave you feeling satiated, while also helping you achieve long term success.

  2. Simplify Meal Prep

    It seems our entire lifes we have believed in the lie that we only have two options for meals: going out to eat or preparing a homemade meal. That’s not the case! Simpilfy your meal preparation by buying salad kits, pre-cut vegetables, or pre-marinated/pre-cooked meats. Trader Joes and Costco have a wide selection of prepped food items that will save you valuable time and energy.

  3. Drink More Water

    Did you know drinking water increases our level of satisfaction, while also diminshing those pesky cravings? Both of these benefit our weight goals! The recommended amout is 0.5 ounces per lb. of body weight. If you enjoy tea or sparkling water, include that in your daily intake.

    Pro Tip: I recommend finding fun tumblers to drink out of! Even though it’s completely mental, this will help you reach your goals.

  4. Move Your Body

    Get up and get your body moving! It’s as simple as that. Do you something you love or try to find a new hobby that helps you stay active. Walk the dog, go on a hike, dance, do some yoga, jog, or do whatever makes you smile. We want to keep exercising fun, otherwise we begin to dread it.

  5. Improve Your Sleep

    A good night’s sleep is an essential component to weight loss. Our body needs sleep to refresh and recover from the physical, emotional, and mental stresses of life. To improve your sleep, start by creating a simple bedtime routine including turning off all electronic screens and avoiding large meals at least one hour before bedtime. Stay consistent with it and you will see a dramatic increase in your daily stamina and a large improvement to your weight loss progress.

  6. Food Journaling

    Food journaling doesn’t have to be complicated. Keep track on what specific times during the day you are struggling to stay on course. Note down times in a notebook or in your phone’s notes application. Transitionsing times between meals and evenings are typically when we feel the most inclined to give in to our cravings. Through food journaling, we can recognize when we start to feel hunger and can be prepared to deal with it accordingly.

  7. Plan Ahead

    The best way to set yourself up to succeed with your weight loss goals is to have a plan. So here’s how to do it:

    1. Wake Up

    2. Grab a notebook and a pen

    3. Look at your calendar for the day

    4. Create a realistic, simple plan that fits within your schedule

    5. Make sure to ask yourself questions like β€œam I going to feel like making dinner tonight after ____?” or β€œwould it make more sense to pick up something healthy on the way home?”

    As you plan each day you’ll notice specific obstacles that will come up for you and you’ll be able to plan for them the next time. So don’t worry about making the perfect plan! You’ll get better as you go.

    Pro Tip: Utlize the endless healthy options that are at our fingertips nowadays. I provide you with some of my favorite healthy fast food options in my free guide linked below.

Woman Is Food Journaling
Moving Your Body For Weight Loss
Simplify Meal Preparation For Improved Health

Master The Menu

Access our free guide created to help you stay on track with your weight loss goals when you’re eating on the go.

Free guide for healthy weight loss eating options